
31/7 - 2022   SilverDaddies has existed for 20 years! - it has been a joy to see the many men gathering here (and passing through) over the years, forming a great community and personal connections. It continues to warm my heart when I hear from men that have found wonderful experiences, partners or self-realization through the site!
9/1 - 2021   The new chat is back online, yay! - it's been a busy week; bought the sourcecode, getting a server to run it on, setting up and moving over configuration and customizations - I took a couple of days more to implement some changes based on feedback after the first 'launch', private chat is now in windows (like in the old chat), profile photo shows in the usermenu and a number of other smaller tweaks.
2/1 - 2021   Update - the provider of the backend service for the chat has disabled it - they were overwhelmed by our numbers, so working on a solution..
1/1 - 2021   After 2 weeks of testing, the new chat system has replaced the (old) Flash chat rooms. There are still things I'd like to tweak, but generally it should be a big improvement for most; userlist filtering, emojis, better webcam quality, 1-to-1 video calls and it can be used on phones/tablets!
1/5 - 2020   I've updated the iPhone App with a search option - and I have fixed photo upload in the App too (it stopped working when I added SSL for the site).
20/4 - 2020   While working on the changes for image handling and gallery pictures last week, I was reminded of how stimulating your gallery pictures can be ;-) - this got me thinking about how I might bring users' galleries more into focus.
The result is the new 'User galleries' page for supporters, the page displays user gallery thumbnails (in random order) - which can be broadly filtered by age and location - and from where you can easily view the fullsize picture, the user's profile or the full gallery for the man.
17/4 - 2020   Improved the handling of images, adding support for images taken in different orientations and some JPEG formats that caused solid black images before.
Oh, and you can have more gallery and private pictures now - and they are larger.
23/3 - 2020   While staying isolated with Henrik during this COVID-19 crisis, I have spent some time upgrading the database server and frontend servers - and also made some optimizations. I hope you can stay safe and healthy as this virus rages through the world!
14/7 - 2019   Updated the chat rooms with the possibility to view up to 3 webcams at once - and to hide the webcam elements for users that mainly use the chat for chatting.
1/7 - 2019   I finally managed to find a good solution for implementing SSL / HTTPS for the site - this also means that location detection can be used again for profiles (done from your 'My profile' page and you can of course remove it again at any time), also, the use of HTTPS means that the camchat rooms again is allowed access to your webcam in browsers like Chrome.
Another change is that playback of profile videos for all non-Flash format based videos, can now be viewed without requiring Flash - and can also be viewed on mobile devices that doesn't support Flash (thanks for the input Michael!).
A negative change is that posting links in the chat rooms has had to be disallowed (also in private), mainly because of recent systematic misuse by scammers.
8/1 - 2015   There is now an option for users to help classify main profile pictures and pictures submitted for featuring. I have also done some optimizations of search result pages that make paging even faster. And I have removed the old Java / IRC based chat room.
- Wow, from looking at this list it could look like nothing has happened for a couple of years - which isn't true! - a heap of different tweaks and server-side systems has been done (geo-location database changes, more anti-scammer measures, load-balancing of the light version - to name a few).
3/9 - 2012   There is now a mobile / touch version of the site - allowing you to easier check up on messages and profiles - and find contacts at your current location - eg. when you are on the move or traveling.
On the main site it is now also possible to let the site know your location more precisely. The main benefit is that it allows distance search for all countries - but it also give search results that are more precise distance wise.
28/3 - 2012   An alternative way of uploading pictures has been added so users with smartphones and tablets can post pictures with their profiles now :-)
30/12 - 2011   By popular demand it is now possible to see which chatroom a user is in - the 'in chatroom' icon now show this.
3/5 - 2010   It is now possible to have more gallery pictures and videos with your profile. The video format has also been changed so all new videos are viewable from iPhones/iPads!
1/3 - 2010   A good friend of mine - Mickey - has offered to help me out with answering questions and help solve any issues you guys might experience. So after nearly 8 years I'm not doing everything on my own anymore, thanks mate! :-)
20/11 - 2009   I've completed a big change in how the site is put together, no visual changes - but a server architecture change and a change to real load balancing (which required a rewrite of how user sessions and some caching are handled). A big improvement in performance :-)
25/11 - 2008   Updated the help section - and also changed the procedure to 'get in touch' with me. I was getting swamped with questions that were covered in the help section and getting more than 200 emails a day made it hard for me to do anything apart from answering emails.
3/8 - 2008   Okay, a few changes has been made - you can now indicate separate anal and oral preferences and it is possible for guys that are partnered to indicate this in their profile as well. The search profiles page has also been revised to reflect these changes (of course) - and the distance searching is now more flexible allowing you to search within a distance to a zipcode you enter. Also, searching for travelers has been strengthened by allowing to search only for travelers. And more checks has been added to the 'Contact preferences' and the 'restrict logic' to try to prevent incorrect use. And a few other changes :-)
6/11 - 2007   Wow, more than a year since I last added something here - it hasn't been because I haven't done anything on the site, there just haven't been major visual changes - but servers are continually being upgraded, parts of the site tweaked and optimized - and there of course were the addition of more chat rooms (including the dedicated mature/mature room)
16/10 - 2006   A german user have been kind enough to update the german translation of the site - and a spaniard have done a spanish translation, thanks guys!
15/6 - 2006   Two users have helped translate the key pages into French - thanks guys!
25/5 - 2006   It's been a while since I've updated this page but that doesn't mean that changes haven't been made! - There's now a 'light' version of the site for supporting users intended for when they wish to use the site in public (eg. on travels or on work). And over the last months more server capacity has also been added. Unfortunately I've also had to spend a lot of time on measures to try to prevent scammers from using the site and stop fake profiles from certain countries - but also to prevent abuse of the chat room. Time spent that I'd have prefered to use on adding useful functionality for all you good guys :-/
7/2 - 2006   I've made a number of small improvements; there's now a "prefered age" field on profiles so it will be possible to eg. figure out quickly if a mature man is interested in a young or mature admirer :-), it is also possible to search by profile id and for online users on the search page now, distance is now also shown on the profile view page.
12/1 - 2006   Again a couple of servers has been added - thanks to you guys that support the site, it is you that makes it possible to upgrade the server capacity from time to time!
29/11 - 2005   Camchat updated to let users see the number of guys that view their cam in chat and supporters can see who is viewing their public cam :-)
14/11 - 2005   I've re-done the camchat in an attempt to solve the performance issues with many users in the room - the new version allows me to add more 'chat servers' in the future.
17/10 - 2005   An Italian user have been kind enough to work closely with me and translate the key pages of the site into Italian (thanks a lot Cristiano!).
8/10 - 2005   Added a travelers section. And a few other minor improvements (like a list/search for private notes for supporters).
18/8 - 2005   The webcam chat has been split into 'rooms' - not really because I wanted to, but I hope it solves some of the performance related issues some have experienced. The chat has also been slightly improved - but I still have things I'd like to add...
It is now also possible to see if a user is in one of the webcam chat rooms.
31/7 - 2005   3 years have passed since the site was launched. More than 75000 men currently have a profile here and more than 16 million messages have been exchanged in the last 2 years (through the current message system). I'm very happy that I've been able to create a 'meeting place' for mature men and us admirers that works :-)
27/7 - 2005   Profile pictures are now 'branded' with the direct link to the profile making it easier to later lookup a profile - gallery pictures uploaded now are also kept in a higher resolution!
(the branding was also done to disencourage others from using your pictures - and on other sites)
21/6 - 2005   German translation was added - but the translation might be a bit 'off' some places, Henrik and I hope there'll be input/corrections from german users :-)
17/6 - 2005   'Private notes' were added as a premium feature. Henrik is working on translating the site into german.
12/6 - 2005   Henrik and I are (slowly) working on translating the site into other languages - Henrik has encouraged me to do so for a long time, but I were reluctant (I know how big a task it is, and how it might complicate updating sections of the site) - but I agree that mature men that aren't fluent in English also deserve a chance of meeting great men. So today danish were added :-)
It has been a while since I've updated this page - that doesn't mean that nothing has been done tho! (more server capacity has been added, 'Jump to page' functions has been added on some pages and other small enhancements)
8/3 - 2005   I took some (extra) time out for the site and coded a webcam chat (I've wanted to do this for half a year, but...) - the chat still needs a few tweaks, but it's up and running :-). Also, it is much more Mac computer friendly! :-)
1/2 - 2005   Added 'message dialog' feature for supporting users :-) - also added some extra server capacity.
23/11 - 2004   Added the possibility to send pictures with messages on the site - and to have a private pictures with profiles for that purpose :-)
11/11 - 2004   Added indicator in lists so it's possible to see if users are currently online/logged in.
13/10 - 2004   Pre-recorded video clips can now also be uploaded - so you guys that know how can have a video clip in better picture quality with your profile.
10/9 - 2004   It's now possible to add a video clip with profiles and the clip can be recorded directly here on the site - pretty nifty I think ;-)
11/8 - 2004   Added 'quick access' to profiles - so it's easier to send or list a link to your profile. Users can see their 'direct link' from their 'My profile' page :-)
31/7 - 2004   It's now 2 years since the site was launched. Through the years I have received numberous emails and messages from users that have either discovered that they might be mature but that they still are attractive and from users that have found a great man through the site. It always gives me a warm fuzzy feeling when that happens - as it makes me feel that the site does mean a difference for you users!
As I write this there's more than 29000 men with profiles on the site and I hope that all will have great experiences through the site!
22/7 - 2004   Completed some optimizations in the code and did a little 'code reviewing' - should improve response times and scalability of the site!
24/6 - 2004   Distance to other users are now displayed where possible :-)
30/5 - 2004   Messages in your inbox and outbox can now be sorted by sender/recipient - hopefully making it easier to keep track of correspondence.
29/5 - 2004   Quite a few daddies has asked for galleries of admirers/young guys - so I've added that to the site. The frontpage has also been changed a bit!
21/5 - 2004   A couple of adjustments have been made the last days: an ignore funtion on the chat and a new help section on the site.
And supporting users can now block messages from others and see when their favorites are online :-)
17/3 - 2004   Another 'big' change - atleast for the users of the chat - the chat system has been changed (hopefully to the better ;-)
14/3 - 2004   Long time since I've updated this list...   But an additional server has been added to the site to help service all the dads and sons that use the site :-) - a rather fundamental and drastic change in the site setup!
30/11 - 2003   It's now possible to 'archive' messages from inboxes - gives a way of storing important information received from other users (phone numbers, addresses, etc).
20/11 - 2003   Made some changes to the message system (ability to see the message which was replied, changed delete functionality, etc)
19/10 - 2003   Site moved to a new server! - woohoo! :-)
4/10 - 2003   Added the possibility to have a gallery for each user.
26/9 - 2003   Wrote a bit more about Henrik and our relationship - also added a few pictures of Henrik for all your curious guys :-)
31/8 - 2003   Personal inboxes and outboxes has been introduced on the site - it gives the possibility for users to see if sent messages has been read, and also keeps from exposing email addresses of the users to each other.
31/7 - 2003   A year has passed since the site was launched - and I think it has been a good year, I have enjoyed talking to alot of you. The profile count has reached 4500 profiles and there's a steady growth each day - the future for daddies and sons seem bright ;-)
29/7 - 2003   Expanded the profile information - should make it even easier to make matches - also some of the 'info components' have been changed a bit(latest logins, featured image profiles).
21/7 - 2003   Implemented a solution which hopefully solves the recent database connection problems (which has resulted in downtime) - also added a new premium feature.
19/7 - 2003   Added verification of profile email addresses - should help indicate which profiles are serious (and reachable)
14/7 - 2003   Added possibility of auto login
6/7 - 2003   Changed the site layout a bit and changed the focus of the site - bringing profiles more into the main idea of the site.
Introduced possibility of donations and access to premium features for people who donate
8/6 - 2003   No improvements on the site for a long time...
But the bandwidth has been upgraded, and the search page has been optimized (it didn't perform too well with the growing number of profiles)
17/11 - 2002   I have added a chat to the site - I hope it's useful for some of you!
16/11 - 2002   Made a few improvements to the search interface
26/9 - 2002   Added the possibility for visitors to have profiles on the site (personal ads) - I'm a bit curious if it'll be a success
11/8 - 2002   Added 'visitor galleries' - a place where hot daddies who visits the site can show off ;-) (has been discontinued since)
31/7 - 2002   Site is launched - I cross my fingers and hope it gets a warm welcome
Did you know that the featured pictures are changed up to 10 times a day? - so come by often!
Sidste logins
Bi4BiisWhy profil har billede profil har galleri profil har video
66 år - PA, United States
Joseph profil har billede profil har galleri
71 år - FL, United States
blngay profil har billede profil har galleri
62 år - Germany
NJGWM for GAM profil har billede profil har galleri
77 år - NJ, United States
wayne4u253 profil har billede
70 år - FL, United States
Hung top needed profil har billede profil har galleri
56 år - OH, United States
c59 profil har billede profil har galleri profil har video
60 år - Switzerland

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